Monday, 29 December 2014

Change of name!

I’m not really sure why but I really hated the name Julie Helen for this blog. I know it makes sense as it’s my name but yeah I really didn’t like it. 

I’ve instead decided to go with something that sums up what I want this blog to be rather than just my name ha-ha. Basically I’m starting a scrapbook for 2015 and this name popped in my head whilst I was sorting the stuff out.

Hope you like the new name and layout that goes with it.

I will be resuming normal 2 a week posts (I hope) from new week so look out for them and I will talk to you then! 

Thursday, 25 December 2014

12 Days of Christmas Day 12: Merry Christmas!

Since it is Christmas day this will be a short post just to say thank you to everyone that's read any of my blogmas posts and I hope you all have a very merry Christmas! 

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

12 Days of Blogmas Day 11: Christmas Eve Pamper

On Christmas eve it is tradition for me that I have a relaxed night and pamper myself a little bit so since it is Christmas eve today I thought I would share my pamper routine with you in a rather chilled out post. 

Bath products! bubbles and fizz!

A good old hair mask!

Gorgeous christmassy scents!

I also usually do a face mask that i forgot to photo!

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

12 Days of Christmas Day 10: Choosing a New Years Outfit!

This New Year I am going to something that is Wild West themed. I have decided to completely ignore the theme apart from the fact that I may wear my cowboy boots.

Monday, 22 December 2014

12 Days of Blogmas Day 9: Christmas Make-up

Here’s a makeup look that I think would be very Christmassy. I don’t really know what else to say it’s just Christmassy!

Sunday, 21 December 2014

12 Days of Blogmas Day 8: Tufty Bear!

Today I thought I’d do a little tufty update since the last time I spoke about him he was a sick little bunny.

Saturday, 20 December 2014

12 Days of Christmas Day 7: Pop the Collar

I may be the only one but I’ve never really got the collar and jumper trend until I got this dress. I got the dress from Primark a while ago and the jumper is a Primark one as well but from a few years ago.

This is a nice dressed up but still casual outfit for Christmas.

I’m sorry this is a short post I still need to get a load of things scheduled and I’ve decided that half the photos I’ve taken are horrible so yeah. When it comes to photos I’m very rarely happy but I promise that the last 5 days of blogmas will all be up and better than this one! 

Friday, 19 December 2014

12 Days of Blogmas Day 5 & 6: Sorry!

I'm so sorry there's not been a blogmas for the past 2 days. I was supposed to schedule a load yesterday but then I ended up staying till 10 at work. So yeah nothing got scheduled but I will be doing a load tonight so will be resuming blogmas tomorrow.
Again I'm sorry but all will resume tomorrow.

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

12 Days of Blogmas Day 4: Christmas Room Inspiration

So I’m not feeling too great today and didn’t really feel like doing the post I had planned so instead I thought I would do a chatty look into my room at Christmas.

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Monday, 15 December 2014

12 Days of Blogmas Day 2: Skin Care Routine

So today I thought I would share my skin care routine with you! I have only just really started to get into a proper routine as I admit I am lazy but my skin has been terrible lately so I’m trying to help it by having a proper routine.

Sunday, 14 December 2014

12 Days of Blogmas Day 1: Top 5 Winter Lips

I don’t think I’ve really done many lip related posts before which is weird since I am probably a bit of a lipstick hoarder. Since I have many lip products I thought I would show you my top 5 to wear at this time of year. 

Sunday, 7 December 2014


So I had considered doing blogmas this year and blogging everyday of December up until Christmas. However you may of noticed that I haven’t been blogging really at all (just the one lonely post).

I got a Christmas job that started mid-November and I’ve been doing loads of overtime so I haven’t really had a chance to blog.

I have however decided to try and do 12 days of blogmas instead of the whole month. Basically from the 14th-25th December I will be posting every day! So there will be no posts this week but next Sunday I will start Blogmas!

I’m excited to really push myself with my content and try and bring the quality of my posting up. Hopefully you will all enjoy the posts!

Blogmas will also bring something new to my content in the form of fashion posts! I plan on doing some Christmas themed outfit posts and depending how they go I will hopefully be adding them full time to my blog.

Leave me comments if you have any post suggestions! 

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Getting Personal: Anxiety, Bullying and Losing Friends... #therealme

So I’m just going to warn you that this post is likely to get deep and it’s likely to be very long so yeah just be warned.

There’s a campaign I’ve been helping with through work called The Real Me where women are encouraged to make a video and reveal who they are underneath what they show to the world. Check out the hashtag #therealme on twitter.

I'm not really brave enough to talk about this in a video but I really wanted to do something for this campaign. I think the whole idea is brilliant and to me it’s coming at a time where I want to start facing a few things in my life so thought that a blog post would be a good place to start. Who knows I may make a video at some point.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

A Few Of My Favourite Things: October

So as it’s the beginning of November I thought I would share my October favourites with you. I tried to narrow it down to one thing for each category (I failed with lips… oops). I can’t promise there will be the same categories every time but I am going to try and do a favourites every month.

Friday, 31 October 2014

Round Up: October

October Round Up

 Since we are now at the end of October I thought I would start of by doing a round-up of the posts I shared with you in October. I started by aiming to do 2 posts a week (total 10) and I got 7 so I don’t think I did to bad J (go me!).

Friday, 24 October 2014

Halloween: Let’s Play Dead!

Skeleton dress up
For anyone who doesn’t know I LOVE Halloween! It is my favourite time of year!

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Zoella Beauty: Fizz Bar

Zoella Beauty Fizz Bar
Let me start by saying that Zoella was the first YouTuber that I ever watched, she is someone who I have seen grow throughout her videos. So when I heard about Zoella Beauty I was counting down the days till I could get my hands on something from the range. When it did finally come out in Superdrug the one I go to in Birmingham was sold out of everything but the make-up bags so I waited a bit and finally managed to get my hands on the fizz bar which is what I was most excited to try.

Friday, 10 October 2014

Butterfly's Everywhere!

Stratford-upon-avon Butterfly Farm

A few weeks ago me and my boyfriend took a day trip to Stratford-upon-Avon and visited the butterfly farm.

Thanks to the rain and cold outside a good hour at there was spent wiping down my camera (luckily there was no water damage). I took my macro adapter with me for its first real outside my back garden test and got some cool shots of the flutterbys (I called them that when I was little and it sort of stuck).

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Autumn Clothing Haul: Primark

Primark Haul

As its autumn I decided I needed some new clothes. However I’m currently doing slimming world and didn’t want to spend loads to have to then spend more when these are too big for me. Primark seemed the perfect solution to this.

I did buy some of the stuff for specific purpose but mostly I just wanted a few new autumnal pieces in my wardrobe. 

Friday, 3 October 2014

Room Inspiration: Haul!

Ikea Haul

So as I said in my be back soon post over September I was having a new carpet put into my room and in the process of moving everything out of the way I thought I would re-do a lot of stuff in my room.

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Welcome Back!

As promised it is October and I am returning with a new hairstyle and lots of fresh ideas!

I’ll post as much as possible I do have a schedule I’m working to but at the moment I don’t want to put it out there in case I don’t end up being able to stick to it.

I will say that I have decided to make this more of a ‘my life’ blog. There will be some reviews of stuff I love, hauls, what I’ve been doing and many other types of posts to come.

Looking forward to getting back into blogging so will speak soon!

Monday, 8 September 2014

I will be back!

So I am currently taking ANOTHER break from blogging only this time it really isn't because I dont want to blog its simply because I come to blog I hate the area im working in and so put it off.

This however is changing because at the moment I'm in the process of having a new carpet. When everything goes back in after I will be getting a new workspace and creating some better areas to take photos in.

Even though this will be done within a few weeks I hope im going to say don't expect a post until 1st october as i also want to be more organosed with the blog and this should give me a chance to work stuff out.  And you know new month new start.

So ill speak to you all on october 1st! Leave comments if you have suggestions for posts you'd like to see when I return.

Julie xox

Monday, 25 August 2014

Haul: Beauty

So over the past week I realised that I hadn’t brought make up in a really long time and A LOT of my favourite products were getting to the point where I needed to just accept they were done and throw them away.

Of course once I started looking at the make-up products I needed (a basic eye shadow palette, eye liner and brow pencil) I had to buy a load of things I probably didn’t need as well.
I will leave links to where you can buy the products and some of the things you see here I will be reviewing in posts soon. Enjoy!

Friday, 22 August 2014

What's In My Bag

Today I thought I would do another tag. I realise that this is a YouTube tag and I started to do videos so why not do this as a video? Well it’s because I wasn’t really comfortable doing the videos and decided that I would wait until I was more set in a pattern of blogging and then move it along to YouTube when the time is right.
So yeah anyway I decided that I’d give you a look into what I carry around on a day to day basis.
My bag is from a designer stocked in Bon Marche I believe but I’m not 100% sure because my mom got it me after she was watching the home shopping channel and I caught about 5 minutes and said "oo that’s a bag like I’ve been looking for", meaning that it has three compartments but they all zip up. The bag was actually a present for me having passed my theory back in February so I’m not really sure they would stock it any more anyway. 

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Hair Care │ Growing My Hair

I think I've mentioned a few times in the past that I'm trying to grow my hair and even though I've been trying to do this for a while now I've never really actually tried very hard. I was bleaching the ends of my hair on and off and just generally using a lot of heat and dying it way more than I should.

Monday, 18 August 2014


So this month I've done a little bit of shopping. I used to be the sort of person that went on shopping sprees every month but lately I tend to just pick bits up here and there and then do a big shop every so often (usually in the summer for some reason).

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Tell Them How I'm Defying Gravity!

I may have mentioned my love for Wicked before here on the blog but if I haven’t let me just tell you I am OBSESSED!! It started when I heard Defying Gravity on some award show and then I read the book and listened to the rest of the music and I was hooked.

Friday, 18 July 2014


I was planning on starting a summer favourites series today but yesterday something really exciting happened and I wanted to share that with you instead!
As you may see from the title the exciting thing is that I passed my driving test.

Thursday, 17 July 2014

Summer Recipe: Sweet Potato Salad

Today I thought I’d share my recipe for a summer salad that I am loving at the moment! I know it’s a really basic simple recipe but I love it and it also gives a suggestion about how to cook sweet potatoes because I had no idea the first time I cooked them all I knew is that I loved sweet potato fries when I had them in a restaurant. Anyway hope you enjoy my salad recipe.

Monday, 14 July 2014

Room Inspiration: Photo Washing Line

For my birthday just under a month ago I got an Instax camera which was beyond exciting because I have wanted a Polaroid for so long! But when I got it I realised I had no idea how to display the images.

Having recently got back into Pinterest I sifted through it looking for a fun way to display the photos that didn't take up to much space and that was cheap to do.

Sorry for the rubbish images my camera battery died so I had to take them on my phone!

Friday, 27 June 2014

Leg Operation │ One Year On

Last week was my birthday which also meant it was one year since I had my leg operation.
If you want to see the post I did about my experience with a full length cast on then click HERE.
The first full length cast

Friday, 20 June 2014

Birthday Make-Up │Make-up Timer Tag

I saw this tag over at Lily Pebbles and thought it was the perfect tag to do as I got ready with my make up on my actual birthday. I wasn’t really doing a lot on the actual day so I went for one of my go to day time make up looks. By the way forgive the rubbish photos I only had chance to take them on my phone.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Life Update: Sick Bunny!

For this week’s lifestyle post I decided to give you guys an update as well as a sort of explanation. I had every attention of getting back  into posting regularly last week but then Thursday I found I had a sick bunny to take care off and the time where I was supposed to be writing my posts was taken up by me feeding him baby food instead.
Tufty as his normal self

Monday, 2 June 2014

Hair Care │Dry/Over-processed Hair

As I said in my hair cut post I’ve had very dry and over processed hair for about a year now so I thought I would share some of the things I’ve learnt to do in order to help my hair look healthy and eventually be healthy. 

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

New Cut

I decided last weekend that despite the fact that I have been trying to grow my hair out for a while now I would get a haircut that would leave me with hair that was back pretty much where I started or just under an inch longer.

Monday, 12 May 2014

Let’s All Have Breakfast in Bed!

 I have been in search of the perfect pastel blue for years now and just never found the right one. I wanted one that was pale and not too blue. I know that sounds odd and really really picky of me but o well.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

The Video │ Spring Favourites

I filmed my spring favourites the other day. I decided to make it my spring favourites rather than my April favourites simply because I'm more likely to have different favourites for a different season rather than each month.

Friday, 9 May 2014

Haul Time │ Mini Primark Haul

So I didn’t really know what to do for this fashion post as I only decided that Fridays would be fashion days like two days ago. So since I went shopping the other day and picked up some items from Primark I thought I would show you what I got since there isn’t really enough for a haul video. Enjoy!

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Sisters Engagement Shoot

A few weeks ago when my sister and her fiancé came back to visit and I decided to do an engagement shoot with them.

Monday, 5 May 2014

Monday, 28 April 2014

Sorry for lack of content and introducing my sister!

Welcome back!
I know its been a long time since I posted constantly on here and had anything even remotely like a schedule life just keeps getting in the way and I find that when I do have time I have no idea what to blog about. 
However I have a few ideas now so will be trying to at the least post once a week on here and with some posts I will now be doing YouTube videos.  I've been wanting to branch into YouTube for a while and I've tried in the past and never really liked the videos but I've been practicing with editing programs and now have lights from my photography studio kit so hopefully I will like the videos a lot more now! 

I also wanted to introduce my little sister to the world of blogging. Her blog is so give her a follow. She did an amazing post about inspiration the other day and gives some really good advice there and even though she is a musician and will be posting about music and things related to her career she also posts about beauty stuff so she will have a good mix of content over there to enjoy!