Friday, 27 June 2014

Leg Operation │ One Year On

Last week was my birthday which also meant it was one year since I had my leg operation.
If you want to see the post I did about my experience with a full length cast on then click HERE.
The first full length cast

Basically my op was to straighten the bone in my knee so that my knee cap tracked normally (up and down instead of left and right) and left me with two pins in my leg and I had to have a cast on for 6 weeks.
So after I had the cast on I had a long struggle with getting any amount of strength back in my leg and still to this day there are things that I’m not strong enough to do like run or walk stairs in heels (although I can’t actually remember if I could beforehand :/).
My second cast which was hinged to move 30◦

After the cast came off I did hydrotherapy for a month and then physiotherapy. I really enjoyed hydrotherapy and honestly don’t think id of done so well without that because it got my leg moving and started building the muscle back.
I also was told to go to the gym twice a week and even though I only go once a week if I’m lucky at the moment it is something that I need to keep up otherwise I notice the muscle weakening again. Everything also still takes more energy than it used to and I’m kind of getting used to that know and deal with it by just making sure that at least one day a week I let my body just sleep as much as it needs and on other days I go to bed at midnight latest. I simply cannot handle the party life anymore.
The operation did also leave me with a lovely long scar as well as a tiny little one that looks slightly like a divide from where they put a camera into my knee. I use bio oil on these mostly because originally I was told I needed to massage the scar to stop it sticking to the muscle (scary and weird) so I massaged it using bio oil to help the scar less scary looking.

Now one year on I am looking into getting my other knee done because after this whole experience I would say that I would prefer it done now when the problem is not as bad and I’m still young that I would say 5 years on when I may be struggling to walk like I was before the last op and have a career id have to interrupt.

I realise this has turned into a ramble post and I’m not really sure where it was going anymore but anyhoo. If you have any questions about the op, cast or recovery then leave a comment and ill reply ASAP. Also leave suggestions for posts in the comments.