Friday, 20 June 2014

Birthday Make-Up │Make-up Timer Tag

I saw this tag over at Lily Pebbles and thought it was the perfect tag to do as I got ready with my make up on my actual birthday. I wasn’t really doing a lot on the actual day so I went for one of my go to day time make up looks. By the way forgive the rubbish photos I only had chance to take them on my phone.


EYES 2:49
BASE 1:45
LIPS 0:36

TOTAL 7:54

It’s a great tag to do to actually find out how much of your get ready time is taken up by putting on make-up. I think my get ready time is mostly taken up by watching YouTube to be honest. I expected to get a time that was a lot worse to be honest. 

Forgive the messy state some of the make up is in!

I definitely think everyone who is interested should do this, I definitely feel like I learnt something about my make-up habits!