Monday, 16 September 2013

Full Length Cast │My Experience

So as you may or may not know due to an operation mid-June I had to wear a full length leg cast for 4 weeks and then a hinged full length leg cast for a further two. When I first got the cast on I searched online for what to expect or other peoples experiences and found very little information so thought that I would write this encase someone else has the same idea and hopefully this will help them.
In hospital with fresh new cast on

When I had my cast on as I’ve said it was mid-June and if you live in the UK you will know that the end of June till end of august really was amazing weather which was good for everyone else but not for me as I couldn’t get out to enjoy it and it meant that my leg which was warm anyway under the cast was a million times warmer to the point where it was physically uncomfortable for me.
Im sure the heat didn’t help with the loss of weight on my leg either but I had expected a certain amount of muscle loss and trust me it will happen and as I couldn’t bend my knee I'm pretty sure there was nothing I could do to stop it.
an attempt to minimise the sun on my leg

A big reason I was stuck in bed was that I was shocked by how much energy it took my body to carry the cast (these things weigh a ton!) and to use the crutches which I had to use for around 5 weeks somewhere in the middle of having the hinged cast on I gave up on the crutches and decided to just go cold turkey and honestly it worked fine for me but that’s possible because I'm inpatient and it made me feel like I was improving.
On to the hinged cast which was a nightmare and in the end was only on for two weeks because it just wasn’t right for me.
Hinged cast

My hinged case was set so I could bend the knee to 30◦ which was all very well but it just kept falling down my leg so the cast was resting on my foot (ouch) and the top part of the cast feel onto my knee which when you’ve had an operation on your knee is a horrible thing to happen as not only could I not bend it but it was putting pressure on my knee cap (even more ouch).

Overall full length casts are annoying and can be painful but if you rest like your supposed to and make sure you communicate with your doctor then hopefully any discomfort can be minimised and the recovery can be as successful as possible.