Thursday, 17 July 2014

Summer Recipe: Sweet Potato Salad

Today I thought I’d share my recipe for a summer salad that I am loving at the moment! I know it’s a really basic simple recipe but I love it and it also gives a suggestion about how to cook sweet potatoes because I had no idea the first time I cooked them all I knew is that I loved sweet potato fries when I had them in a restaurant. Anyway hope you enjoy my salad recipe.


Sweet Potato
A spoon of corn flour
Red Onion
Caesar Dressing

The measurements are dependent on how much you want to make and how much you prefer. The ingredients for the salad are also interchangeable I just like this mix because it makes it look colourful. I have added chicken to this before and even though I prefer it without the chicken you could add chicken if you want.

1.       Cut a sweet potato into small equal pieces.
2.       Put the sweet potato in a pan of boiling water and boil until the potato is soft. This took me about 5 minutes and be careful you don’t overdo it like I did the first time I did it as this just makes it tricky when you do the next step with the potatoes.
3.       Whilst the potato boils chop up your chosen salad this can be into as small or big pieces as you like I did small pieces that were roughly equal throughout the ingredients.
4.       Drain the water from the potatoes and add in a splash off oil and a spoon of corn flour and cook whilst gently stirring them around the pan. The corn flour helps give the potato a harder texture on the outside.
5.       Add herbs to the potatoes and cook whilst stirring for a further 2 minutes.
6.       Finally dish up or put into your container if you’re doing this for the following day. If you are putting this in the fridge then make sure the potatoes are cold before you put them in the fridge.
7.       Once you’ve put it on a plate or in a container drizzle your desired amount of Caesar dressing over.

I love this as a quick thing to throw together on a hot day or even as something to make the night before I go to work and then keeping it in the fridge overnight. It’s cheap and easy which just makes it the best in my eyes.
If you give this ago then I’d love to know what you thought in the comments. I'll hopefully be posting more recipes soon so keep your eyes peeled for that. Id also love to hear your suggestions in the comments for posts you'd like to see.