Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Getting Personal: Anxiety, Bullying and Losing Friends... #therealme

So I’m just going to warn you that this post is likely to get deep and it’s likely to be very long so yeah just be warned.

There’s a campaign I’ve been helping with through work called The Real Me where women are encouraged to make a video and reveal who they are underneath what they show to the world. Check out the hashtag #therealme on twitter.

I'm not really brave enough to talk about this in a video but I really wanted to do something for this campaign. I think the whole idea is brilliant and to me it’s coming at a time where I want to start facing a few things in my life so thought that a blog post would be a good place to start. Who knows I may make a video at some point.


Middle child syndrome…

This is something I don’t believe really exists and it hurts the children who happen to be middle children and then get labelled as having a syndrome. For me I had a lot of stuff going on at home when I was growing up and I struggled quite publicly at school and I would get told by friends when I said something about my parents or my siblings that I had middle child syndrome and I just assumed that there was something wrong with me and even believed people that the reason for how I was feeling was simply because I am a middle child.

Anxiety & Bullying…

In reality I was dealing with anxiety. I was always anxious about everything that was happening. I was constantly worried about my siblings and about the fact that all that was going on would cause my family to break apart (it didn’t thankfully) but I was also convinced that in some way everything was my fault but I didn’t really know how to make it better.
I was also dealing with bullying at school that added to the stress and when I was about 14 I had my first panic attack because I just couldn’t face going to school and dealing with everything. Panic attacks aren’t something that I have a lot but it is always there that it is a possibility.
Anxiety is something that a lot of bloggers and youtuber's have spoken about and I’m so glad that people talk about it now because when I was dealing with it as a teenager I had no idea what was wrong with me and at school they would think I was faking been ill when I had a panic attack.

Weight problems…

I have always been a bigger person and it was part of the reason that I was bullied at school. I struggled with my weight because I didn’t understand why I wasn’t like everyone else however as I grew older I didn’t understand why it was so interesting to everyone that I was bigger than other girls. I am losing weight now but that’s because I know it’s healthier not because I feel like I need to be like everyone else. I wasn’t happy with the way I looked but I think looking back that maybe I could have been happier if other people hadn’t pointed it out at every turn.

Moving on…

Eventually situations calmed down at home and as stupid as it sounds it did take a while to get used to being in a normal family. The voice in my head would tell me that everything was going to go back to how it was and even till this day a part of me is waiting for the other shoe to drop. I’ve learnt though that I have to take the good with the bad not just focus on the bad.
I have also learned that it is important to have people that you can talk to, when everything was hard when I was a teenager I had a best friend who I knew would be on the end of the phone if I needed it and even though were not close anymore I will always be grateful for that. Knowing who you can trust is important and I’ve learnt that it is okay to just walk away from someone if it causes me too much anxiety. For years I was scared to with one friend because I thought I would lose everyone else and in the end it exploded over one thing and I let all the anxiety she had caused me come out. I didn’t end up losing any other friends but I wish I had done it earlier because I feel so much better.

I wish I could go into what was going on with my family whilst I was growing up but it’s not my place to share their story all I can do is share mine. I don’t really know is any of this has made sense of come together properly I just got lost in telling the story. I hope that this hasn’t been too long or ramble. Please get involved and join #therealme campaign by making a video, sharing a no makeup selfie or even just writing a blog post.