Friday, 22 August 2014

What's In My Bag

Today I thought I would do another tag. I realise that this is a YouTube tag and I started to do videos so why not do this as a video? Well it’s because I wasn’t really comfortable doing the videos and decided that I would wait until I was more set in a pattern of blogging and then move it along to YouTube when the time is right.
So yeah anyway I decided that I’d give you a look into what I carry around on a day to day basis.
My bag is from a designer stocked in Bon Marche I believe but I’m not 100% sure because my mom got it me after she was watching the home shopping channel and I caught about 5 minutes and said "oo that’s a bag like I’ve been looking for", meaning that it has three compartments but they all zip up. The bag was actually a present for me having passed my theory back in February so I’m not really sure they would stock it any more anyway. 
Beauty/medical (I cant really think what the category here should be)I have this little clear bag from Superdrug and carry little bits and bobs in it so that they are easy to see. I have lip balms (why do I need three you ask? I don’t but I have them anyways!) and hair clips because my hair is constantly annoying to me and needs to be clipped out of the way. Of course I have the essentials like a mirror and some tissue. Medically I have paracetomol (not sure why because I only take co-codomal as it’s the only thing that works) and heyfever treatments in the form of tablets and nasal block because I get bad heyfever and it’s nice to know I have these handy at all time. 

I also have various combs scattered at the bottom of my bad as well as a few lip products which I’ve put in my bag because they were ones I was wearing and then not taken them out again. There is also 2 products here that will be coming up in a beauty haul in the near future because I literally brought them the day I took these photos and thought I’d give you a real view of what I carry.

I never really used to carry any stationary before I got my Filofax diary a few years ago and even then I’d forget it half the time. However lately I’ve been trying to take it everywhere and also carry a note book (which could be smaller but I couldn’t resist the skulls) to go with the whole trying to be organised thing I also have a pencil case (which I’m not even sure I carried when I was at uni) which has post its of all different colours, highlighters and of course pens.

Essentials (yes food is essential) 
My essentials are pretty straight forward I have my purse which is from River Island, a pair of Primark sunglasses in a sleeve I think was from h&m and a snack because I’m trying to eat healthily and will be starting slimming world soon so I find carrying a snack stops me buying junk if I get hungry. The sunglasses will probably have to be swapped for an umbrella soon as I think we’ve seen the last of the hot weather here in the UK but that’s okay because I love autumn and can’t wait to wear jumpers!

Hope you enjoyed this post as always leave comments if you have any post you would like to see.