Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Life Update: Sick Bunny!

For this week’s lifestyle post I decided to give you guys an update as well as a sort of explanation. I had every attention of getting back  into posting regularly last week but then Thursday I found I had a sick bunny to take care off and the time where I was supposed to be writing my posts was taken up by me feeding him baby food instead.
Tufty as his normal self
Encase you didn’t know I have a male lion head/English cross rabbit called tufty. He’s only 2 ½ years old and usually he’s feisty and energetic. Then on Thursday I noticed he wasn’t really moving around and he hadn’t touched his food or the carrots he had. Since then he’s got slightly more lively and he’s eating little bits on his own but he know has the added problem of discharge from his nose.
His first time inside so I could feed him
Yesterday we took him to a vet and saw a nurse who; after shoving a scope in his mouth to see his teeth and a thermometer up his bum, decided there was nothing apparently wrong apart from the discharge and as he is getting more energy back we should just watch him for a few days.

I still have to feed him once a day but he is seeming better so fingers crossed he doesn’t have to make another trip to the vets.
Feeling sorry for himself after his vet visit

I will be getting back to normal posting now with an OOTD going up on Friday and then a beauty post on Monday. I'm going to try and schedule as much as possible so that I can be prepared but bare with me if i miss a few days I'm still trying to get the hang of keeping a schedule with posting.