Friday, 27 February 2015

Favourites: February

Friday, 20 February 2015

Room Inspiration: Adding In Some Floral

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

The Round Up: January

I had planned on doing a January favourites last week however since I was ill I didn’t get a chance to do that so instead I thought I would do a roundup of my posts in January.

I am very proud of myself and what I’ve been posting during January. I wanted to push myself by sticking to 2 posts a week and apart from when I was ill I managed to stick to that.

 I also wanted to improve my content and my photos and I feel like I’ve also done that. So all in all I’ve had a good start to my blog resolutions.

The photography posts

The beauty posts

The life posts

Start of review series (more are coming I promise)

Sunday, 1 February 2015


This is just going to be a quick post to say sorry about the lack of posts over the past week. I've been suffering with dizziness and as a result sickness and headaches. turns out this stems from a bad ear infection so I have tablets now but as antibiotics usually do with me they are knocking me about a bit so I'm gonna try and post as normal this week but it will depend on how I'm feeling. Thank you for understanding and hope you can bare with me whilst I recover.