Friday, 27 June 2014

Leg Operation │ One Year On

Last week was my birthday which also meant it was one year since I had my leg operation.
If you want to see the post I did about my experience with a full length cast on then click HERE.
The first full length cast

Friday, 20 June 2014

Birthday Make-Up │Make-up Timer Tag

I saw this tag over at Lily Pebbles and thought it was the perfect tag to do as I got ready with my make up on my actual birthday. I wasn’t really doing a lot on the actual day so I went for one of my go to day time make up looks. By the way forgive the rubbish photos I only had chance to take them on my phone.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Life Update: Sick Bunny!

For this week’s lifestyle post I decided to give you guys an update as well as a sort of explanation. I had every attention of getting back  into posting regularly last week but then Thursday I found I had a sick bunny to take care off and the time where I was supposed to be writing my posts was taken up by me feeding him baby food instead.
Tufty as his normal self

Monday, 2 June 2014

Hair Care │Dry/Over-processed Hair

As I said in my hair cut post I’ve had very dry and over processed hair for about a year now so I thought I would share some of the things I’ve learnt to do in order to help my hair look healthy and eventually be healthy.