Sunday, 3 May 2015

This Week Has Been... 3.5.15

… Full Of Pre-Ops, Hair Dying and Weird Hair Styles! 

edited for instagram
At the beginning of this week I decided to make a change to my hair and go back to auburn. I had auburn hair a few years ago and loved it so decided to give it another go!
I then proceeded to wear funny hairstyles (I call this one the pebbles!) because my hair had that very clean just dyed feel and it was making my fringe even more annoying than ever. I have actually decided to do a post on hair styles I wear to stop my growing out fringe from annoying me to much!

I also had a pre-op this week. I’m not 100% sure if I’ve mentioned this on here yet but next week I will be having key-hole surgery to see why I have pain in the knee that I previously had an op to put screws into.

I wasn’t actually told that I would be having the op until I was rung by the waiting list people to schedule it. This means that the pre-op was my first chance to find out anything about what was going to happen to me. I’m not really sure if there allowed to put you on a waiting list without your permission but at least I didn’t have the stress of waiting for the op right?
Anyway it was good news as far as recovery goes as I shouldn’t be off my feet for too long however I am going to have a general anaesthetic which I am dreadingL.
Anyways hope your week has been good. This is a different style for this post but I thought on weeks where I maybe haven’t taken photos ill post my Instagram’s for that week with little snippets of my life.
Hope you enjoy!