Friday, 13 March 2015

Top 5: TV Shows Worth Re-Watching!

Lately I’ve been obsessed with re-watching TV shows. Yes I have watched them a million times but really I just have to watch it again!

In the spirit of the re-watch mood I’ve been in I decided I would do a top 5 re-watchable shows for you! Btw how many made up ways can I use the word re-watch ha-ha.

5. Charmed – I seriously love watching this! Whenever I'm at home during the day around 11 I try and watch the reruns on e4!

 4. Criminal Minds – This is probably not an obvious one but there’s so many episodes it’s nice to go back and see the characters from the start again there’s reruns on TV at the moment (sky living I think). It’s also my favourite crime program.

 3. Reign -   There may only be two serious of this but I love the cast and the beautiful setting so I could watch the 1 and half series a million times.

2.  Eye Candy – Again this is on its first series (just one more episode left) but I have already re-watched all the episodes so far and now you sort of think you know who the killer is it changes how I watch the series so I may have to watch it again already!

1. Pretty Little Liars – Of course PLL got the top position! I think I’ve watched all the episodes through around 5-6 times because every time it gets to the end of the series I want to rewatch and piece together the clues. And let’s be honest the cast and story are just an amazing mix of teen drama, suspense and mystery.

Photos all found on pinterest!