Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Getting Personal: Anxiety, Bullying and Losing Friends... #therealme

So I’m just going to warn you that this post is likely to get deep and it’s likely to be very long so yeah just be warned.

There’s a campaign I’ve been helping with through work called The Real Me where women are encouraged to make a video and reveal who they are underneath what they show to the world. Check out the hashtag #therealme on twitter.

I'm not really brave enough to talk about this in a video but I really wanted to do something for this campaign. I think the whole idea is brilliant and to me it’s coming at a time where I want to start facing a few things in my life so thought that a blog post would be a good place to start. Who knows I may make a video at some point.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

A Few Of My Favourite Things: October

So as it’s the beginning of November I thought I would share my October favourites with you. I tried to narrow it down to one thing for each category (I failed with lips… oops). I can’t promise there will be the same categories every time but I am going to try and do a favourites every month.