Monday, 25 August 2014

Haul: Beauty

So over the past week I realised that I hadn’t brought make up in a really long time and A LOT of my favourite products were getting to the point where I needed to just accept they were done and throw them away.

Of course once I started looking at the make-up products I needed (a basic eye shadow palette, eye liner and brow pencil) I had to buy a load of things I probably didn’t need as well.
I will leave links to where you can buy the products and some of the things you see here I will be reviewing in posts soon. Enjoy!

Friday, 22 August 2014

What's In My Bag

Today I thought I would do another tag. I realise that this is a YouTube tag and I started to do videos so why not do this as a video? Well it’s because I wasn’t really comfortable doing the videos and decided that I would wait until I was more set in a pattern of blogging and then move it along to YouTube when the time is right.
So yeah anyway I decided that I’d give you a look into what I carry around on a day to day basis.
My bag is from a designer stocked in Bon Marche I believe but I’m not 100% sure because my mom got it me after she was watching the home shopping channel and I caught about 5 minutes and said "oo that’s a bag like I’ve been looking for", meaning that it has three compartments but they all zip up. The bag was actually a present for me having passed my theory back in February so I’m not really sure they would stock it any more anyway. 

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Hair Care │ Growing My Hair

I think I've mentioned a few times in the past that I'm trying to grow my hair and even though I've been trying to do this for a while now I've never really actually tried very hard. I was bleaching the ends of my hair on and off and just generally using a lot of heat and dying it way more than I should.

Monday, 18 August 2014


So this month I've done a little bit of shopping. I used to be the sort of person that went on shopping sprees every month but lately I tend to just pick bits up here and there and then do a big shop every so often (usually in the summer for some reason).