Friday, 31 October 2014

Round Up: October

October Round Up

 Since we are now at the end of October I thought I would start of by doing a round-up of the posts I shared with you in October. I started by aiming to do 2 posts a week (total 10) and I got 7 so I don’t think I did to bad J (go me!).

Friday, 24 October 2014

Halloween: Let’s Play Dead!

Skeleton dress up
For anyone who doesn’t know I LOVE Halloween! It is my favourite time of year!

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Zoella Beauty: Fizz Bar

Zoella Beauty Fizz Bar
Let me start by saying that Zoella was the first YouTuber that I ever watched, she is someone who I have seen grow throughout her videos. So when I heard about Zoella Beauty I was counting down the days till I could get my hands on something from the range. When it did finally come out in Superdrug the one I go to in Birmingham was sold out of everything but the make-up bags so I waited a bit and finally managed to get my hands on the fizz bar which is what I was most excited to try.

Friday, 10 October 2014

Butterfly's Everywhere!

Stratford-upon-avon Butterfly Farm

A few weeks ago me and my boyfriend took a day trip to Stratford-upon-Avon and visited the butterfly farm.

Thanks to the rain and cold outside a good hour at there was spent wiping down my camera (luckily there was no water damage). I took my macro adapter with me for its first real outside my back garden test and got some cool shots of the flutterbys (I called them that when I was little and it sort of stuck).

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Autumn Clothing Haul: Primark

Primark Haul

As its autumn I decided I needed some new clothes. However I’m currently doing slimming world and didn’t want to spend loads to have to then spend more when these are too big for me. Primark seemed the perfect solution to this.

I did buy some of the stuff for specific purpose but mostly I just wanted a few new autumnal pieces in my wardrobe. 

Friday, 3 October 2014

Room Inspiration: Haul!

Ikea Haul

So as I said in my be back soon post over September I was having a new carpet put into my room and in the process of moving everything out of the way I thought I would re-do a lot of stuff in my room.

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Welcome Back!

As promised it is October and I am returning with a new hairstyle and lots of fresh ideas!

I’ll post as much as possible I do have a schedule I’m working to but at the moment I don’t want to put it out there in case I don’t end up being able to stick to it.

I will say that I have decided to make this more of a ‘my life’ blog. There will be some reviews of stuff I love, hauls, what I’ve been doing and many other types of posts to come.

Looking forward to getting back into blogging so will speak soon!