Monday, 2 December 2013

Lee Stafford Hair Growth Treatment │ Update

So it’s been over a month since I started using the lee Stafford hair treatment and I’ve since had to have my hair cut when I decided to dye the ends of my hair black to brunette because they were completely dead and even though I was getting more roots at the top the ends didn’t seem any longer so I came to the conclusion that due to the health of my hair I would have better results if my hair wasn’t snapping at the ends.

I have a few applications left in my pot of the treatment and plan on buying it again possible with the shampoo and conditioner this time as well so I will be finishing the review with before and after photographs with the next pot I get.
However as I have used it for over a month now I thought I would review it on a helping the health of my hair basis rather than a hair growth basis.
I can say that the item did help the general health of my hair I only used it on the end of my hair a few times so I can’t blame it for not helping them as I’m pretty sure it was past the help of products.
I noticed that the roots of my hair felt healthy and I was getting a slightly hair amount of root hair growth which is all I really expected as I only wash my hair every 3-4 days so I’m not using it as much as someone who would wash their hair every 1-2 days.
Overall id use this product again possible until my hair is a length that I would be happy with.