Friday, 25 October 2013

This Is Halloween │ Turquoise Hair

For my Halloween Witch costume I decided to try a colour on the blonde ends of my hair. I went for the La Riche Directions dye which I got from eBay here.

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Ikea Candles │ Review

Pumpkin is from a set of three all the others are single tumblers
Anyone who knows me knows I am a candle addict. I love candles but I go through so many I hate paying loads for a candle so my solution is normally Ikea.

Friday, 18 October 2013

This is Halloween │Halloween Decorations UK Style

Halloween isn’t such a big deal in the UK but I love bringing out decorations for the occasion. I’ll admit some of the things are a permanent feature in my room because let’s face it I LOVE skulls and Halloween.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Lee Stafford Hair Growth Treatment │ Product Review Part 1

For a while now I’ve been trying to grow my hair and repair it after bleaching the ends. So I thought I would give this Lee Strafford treatment a go and take you along with me.

Friday, 11 October 2013

This Is Halloween │ Costume Ideas

Welcome to the first in a new series of posts that I will be doing this month called ‘This Is Halloween’ and I will aim to have a post every Friday for the next 3 weeks.
I’m not going to lie the idea of going out for Halloween terrifies me at the moment and not just in a spooky way. But I’m not just going out for Halloween I am going to London Comic Con, which is scaring me 100x more. Big crowds at the moment are terrifying to me. I can carefully navigate small groups of people with very little harm to my leg however mass crowds are out of my control and therefore scary.
I’m getting over this fear by concentrating on how much I love getting dressed up at Halloween.
Throughout the process of choosing what to wear for the weekend away I have had many ideas and thought I would share them and my actual choice for Halloween with you.

As I am going to comic con the majority of these are characters from films or games. 

Friday, 4 October 2013

My Life in Pictures │ September

I used to post my Instagram photographs to my photography blog every two weeks, however as usually there just random photographs that show more about my life than my actual photography they would be more fitting on here.

So at the end of every month I’m going to so a ‘my life in pictures’ post showing photographs that may have been put on Instagram, other social media or maybe are just on my phone. 

This month I went on a candle shopping spree at Ikea, did my first get ready with me, got into baking again, brought a panda onesie, decided on my Halloween costume, became addicted to lemon water and let tufty in his run for the last time this year.